Foodshare | Hunger is Big. Our Community is Bigger.
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Hunger in Greater Hartford

Hunger exists in every one of the 42 towns and cities in Hartford and Tolland counties.

People across Connecticut are confronted with the difficult decisions of paying for rent or heat or medicine, instead of buying food. This is happening right here in our towns, and it affects our neighbors.



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1 in 9

people in Hartford and Tolland Counties are at risk of hunger.

More than 119,000 of our neighbors struggle with food insecurity, meaning they lack consistent access to enough food.

Explore Feeding America’s Map the Meal Gap Study >

1 in 7

children in Hartford and Tolland counties are at risk of hunger.

More than 32,000 kids in Greater Hartford aren’t getting the food they need to learn and grow.

Learn more about the impact of child hunger >


of our service population doesn't qualify for federal nutrition assistance.

An estimated 41% of the food insecure people in Hartford and Tolland counties live in households with incomes too high to qualify for most federal nutrition assistance programs, including SNAP. Foodshare and our partner programs help these households put food on the table.

The Impact of Food Insecurity

People are hungry not because there isn’t enough food, but because they do not have the resources to access and afford enough food. What would you do if you knew you didn’t have enough money to buy food for your family this week? Or, if you did buy food, you wouldn’t be able to pay your rent or get your prescription filled. Those are the choices that too many of our neighbors have to make every day.

The Feeding America 2014 Hunger in America study found that households that seek charitable food assistance had to make tough budget choices at some point during the year:

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Had to choose between
food and utilities

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Had to choose between
food and transportation

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Had to choose between
food and medical care

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Had to choose between
food and housing

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Had to choose between
food and education

Explore more from Feeding America’s Hunger in America study >

Stories of Strength

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Florien and Wanda

Florien struggles with dementia but at 95 years old, that does not define who he is.

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Maribel Bermudez

When Maribel Bermudez was laid off after her employer downsized, her husband's salary wasn’t enough to cover all of their expenses, especially with two kids.

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Chris and Alana Woodward

You can tell right away that Chris and Alana are devoted, caring parents, ready to do whatever it takes to make their family work.

Join Our Community

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